The U.S. Highway 127 Yard Sales started on 8/7/08 and end tomorrow on 8/10/08. This is the world's longest yard sale and covers 654 miles!
It is headquartered in Jamestown, Tennessee but goes from West Unity, Ohio to Gadsden, Alabama.
Each year, hundreds of thousands of people travel Highway 127 looking for bargains from homeowners, professional dealers and vendors.

It is practically impossible to cover the entire route in 4 days.
I live one mile off Highway 127 in Frankfort, Kentucky and believe me you would not know there is a gas shortage if you traveled this road this past week near me.
Several vendors started setting up tents, campers, tables, etc. as far back as Monday this past week.

I have been out several days looking over sale items but I usually hit the yard sales in the neighborhoods bordering Highway 127. I have found in years past that I find the best bargains are from homeowners in the vicinity. A lot of the stuff along the highway is junk as far as I am concerned and nothing I would be interested in buying.
I ventured across 127 this past Thursday and found that several homeowners in one large subdivision was getting ahead of the crowd and was open for business. I found some nice items at bargain prices.
I collect Bybee Pottery and found two pieces in perfect shape for $6.50 total cost of the two.

Then I found a diet book by Dr. Oz. He is on the Oprah show quite often and has written several books. I have his book on aging but did not have the one on dieting. I got the book for $2.00.

I also found Thomas Wyatt some great new toys. He has grown tired of the ones he plays with at Nanna Juju's house and was in dire need of a few new and more challenging play things!
I took his old toys and put them in bags in the closet and replaced them with the new ones in the little wash stand where his toys reside at my house. He will be so surprised when he visits and sees all the new ones replacing his old toys. He is only 13 months and I can only imagine the look on his face.
The weather here has been in the high 70s and low 80s and just a wonderful weekend to have this yearly event. Cars have been lined up along the highway for miles on both sides today.
If you like yard sales and flea markets this is one event you should not miss. I am fortunate that I can run up the road and be on Highway 127 and spend an entire day looking within a 15 mile span of highway.
That sounds like a wonderful thing to do, Judy. Bob and I often hit the garage sales in our area. I am looking for Tupperware mixing bowls. Bob put hot beans in one of mine and ruined it so i have been casing the area for new ones ever since.
But you undoubtedly found the best buy.ukvqmeos
i have heard of this yard sale . i once went to yard sales but no more. i have too much junk now.
Oh, what fun! I would like to shop there. I do find tons of great things at Goodwill and Value Village here in the northwest and I do take advantage of them. Always enjoy your blog. Thanks for visiting mine.
Oh wow, I have read and heard about that garage sale weekend for years. I would love to go sometime!! Thanks for the pictures.
That Garage Saleing, Internet Blogging, Googling Granny
at www.anntuckerblog.com
How neat. Conway had sometine similar today. Bargains galore on Hwy 64. We went out for awhile this afternoon, but didn't find much. We too stayed close to home but it runs for 75 miles or more from east to west on Hwy 64. It sounds like the ones you got to shop at had something to purchase. We only found piddly things - Pop Eye the sailor man VCR for the kids.
By the way, have I missed a picture of Thomas Wyatt? He sounds adorable.
My favorite thing to do is to go to garage sales, flea markets, or any place a bargain can be found. I love the red wagon, but I love the rocking chair in the background more. I wonder if you found it at a sale. I am jealous of all the bargains you found. I feel lucky when I go to a neighborhood sale. I can imagine how much fun I would have with miles and miles of "goodies".
When my children were small, most of their toys and clothes, as well as most of our furniture, came from yard sales. You are fortunate to have so many so close. And it looks like you got some great bargains, Judy. I'd like to see a picture of Thomas Wyatt in his new red wagon!
Hi Judy, Gosh that is some yard sale, Blimey I thought the auction sale in Newark down in Nottingham was a biggie, it just takes up the room of a airport.. but your beats it hands down...
I got a great surprise this morning too when I keyed in 'Life is Good' gave me one of her awards. This blogging is a fantastic thing, we enjoy yakking to other folk, they enjoy listening and they enjoy yakking back and we then enjoy the fruits of their answering yaks . I just enjoy it soooo much. Thanks for your comments Judy they have put me in touch with so many lovely folk. Speak soon, Kate x.
P.S. Love the wee truck you got Thomas Wyatt, He'll have a whale of a time playing with it. Cheers again Kate x.
Hi Judy, My daughter would have the time of her life at that yard sale. When she comes home, I never know how long it is going to take her to get here...she stops at every yard sale between here and Knoxville...I like them, but not as much as she does!
That wagon was a great buy!
I used to haunt yard sales when my kids were growing up. My son constantly threw himself on the sofa, feet flying, and would break a lamp on the end table. I would always look for lamps, knowing it was only a matter of time before he did it again
Wow, that makes our neighborhood garage sales around here look pityful.....that is one of the things I miss by having my hubby gone....we always went to flea markets, some garage sales...we would cruse by a sale and if something looked good, he would stop....I collect honey pots and tea strainer so I always have something to look for....we loved the antiques....of course the dealers usually beat us to the good ones....well I'm going to go have my cup of coffee now, for I'm tired of just thinking of that long, long trail of garage sales... enjoyed this post. from judy to judy.....
Lucky you. I used to do decorative painting on old things that I found at flea markets and garage sales.I sold my finds in several shops. My husband and I would go "shopping" every Fri. morning. The painting was a business for me and I had such a good excuse to do a favorite thing.We would have loved this. Now I go to sales occasionally. I look for new toys for our dog.
Oh, wow- wouldn't I just love checking out some of that. I have heard of that BIG yard sale!
Have a great day,
I've never been to the big yard sale, but my brother and his wife made a point of it a few years ago when they were up on vacation from Florida. They had a lot of fun stopping many places on the way home. You got some great bargains on the Bybee pottery and the new-looking wagon. I do find that yard sales are a great place to find playthings for the grandkids..
I used to know a lady who lives in GA who did that garage sale. It is really a long one for sure. You got some great deals.
I used to know a lady who lives in GA who did that garage sale. It is really a long one for sure. You got some great deals.
I love the stuff you got for Thomas Wyatt and he looked so cute in his little wagon pictures!!
Love you
Sounds like heaven!
Hi Judy
Love the idea of the sale! Is it bigger than usual because of the economic situation?
It was great to get such a fine truck for Thomas ...
In Australia we have markets every fortnight or so in most towns and these sell farmers' produce and things made by craftspeople, and such goodies as cakes, pastas, home made cheeses, olives etc.
We also have garage sales in individual homes that happen when people need a quid, as they say here, or when families have gathered so much stuff they need to get rid of some or move out themselves.
We have our market tomorrow and I'll be there early to stock up on really fresh fruit and vegies, as usual.
I've been going to do a post on this market on 70 Plus and Still Kicking, and in fact went down last week-end clutching camera in hand only to realise that it was the wrong week!
Boy, now that is what you call a garage sale highway, that radio flyer wagon reminds me of the one in the movie Radio Flyer, and I did post on the blog with your grandson sitting in it. Do they have this sale every year?
Thanks for looking in again, Yes Daniel was very good to me when my husband and mother passed away.
I found this blog very interesting
to read, I just love browsing through stalls at markets, When we were in LA we went to a farmers market there, it was great.
Have a good day.
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