The annual 2008 J.D. Crowe Bluegrass Festival now in its 8th year was held in Jessamine County August 28 - 30th. It is held on a 111-acre farm in Wilmore, Kentucky.
J.D. Crowe was born and raised in Lexington, Ky. He started playing banjo at age 13. J.D. was one of the most influential progressive bluegrass musicians of the 70s. Crowe along with his band, New South, has been a fixture on the bluegrass scene for years.
Bob's granddaughter was performing with a group on Saturday morning. We had tickets and arrived a little before they were brought out on stage. Cynthia plays fiddle and violin.
Cynthia (Bob's granddaughter in pink shirt and jeans)
We found some good seats under a big tent along with Ruth and Eric, his daughter and son-in-law.
There was some good old bluegrass music and lots of picking and grinning.

Susan and Ruth (Bob's daughters) talking with DadBob's son, Bobby (father of Cynthia)
Eric (Ruth's husband) with Susan
Cynthia's brother, Justin, enjoying the show!
Cynthia's mom, Marie, was behind the curtain being a stage mother when the pictures were taken.
We were all very proud of Cynthia and her fiddle playing and Bob and I enjoyed our time with his children and grandchildren.
Besides a jam packed musical lineup, there was a vintage car display, arts and craft show, and a cornhole tournament.

It was a very hot day with temperatures in the 90s. Bob and I left after a few hours to come home and relax in the air conditioning, play some gin rummy, and watch the movie, The Last King of Scotland with Forest Whitaker.
The first song that plays on my playlist while you are reading my blog is J.D. Crowe and his band.
It's fun to read about these regional events. Some of us have never been to Kentucky.
Hi Judy great post, I just love to hear this type of music - it fair makes yer feet tap madly. How the young ones here can go for loud rock music is crazy . That music is pure magic ! Thanks for posting - Love Kate x.
What a fun post! And I love the music. I know it must have been lots of fun for you and Bob and the kids and grandkids. Good pictures, too. Glad you had fun! we can all use some of that these days.
Wish I'd known about that concert. Maybe next year. Glad you had such a good time. :) It looks like it was a really fun place to be.
Watching the tv and hoping it isn't as bad as feared. My daughter lives near Galveston and Houston.
Well the music woke me up, I really should get something like this on the alarm clock. Loved the cars as well.
Sounds like a toe-tappin' good time, Judy! I love old-time music. I loved it even in high school, when all my classmates were listening to Top 40 radio! By the way, your playlist looks great--I only wish I could hear it. We are cursed with dial-up internet, which means no video and no audio(and sometimes even, no pictures). :-(
Judy, Great post! She must really be talented! How wonderful and what an honor for her to play with them...(or should I say, what an honor for them to play along with her) I know you're proud and should be! That's such a wonderful experience and notoriaty for her! Give her our Congrats!!and a Big Pat on the Back from us!!!
Hi again Judy, Could you call at my site to collect a wee pressie OK ? Cheers and Love Kate xxx.
Seems a good time was had by all, I love music and your day sounded fun, loved the photo's.
Thanks for your visit very much appreciated,
So glad you enjoyed your day, and that you posted pics of Bob and his family!! Thanks for a wonderful day on Sunday! Love you bunches.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE festivals and fairs like the one your attended!!! Great music and lots of friendly people.
I am addicted to the south!
Congrats to Cynthia on her playing, and I wish her continued opportunities to play her music.
I am partial to JD Crowe's initials, since I often sign emails and notes with JD for Jamie Dawn.
I'm big on blue grass Judy - a good day was had by all eh?
June in Oz
Judy, great music and great blog!
I am so glad you had fun!!! It was great to see you this weekend. I love you bunches!
Sounds like a knee slapping time... it always makes it special when you know someone in the band..
I love blue grass. Love banjo.
Thanks for the musical accompaniment. It was great!
Great music. Bluegrass has always been my husband's favorite-so , of course I like it too....especially in this kind of fun setting!
What great fun! I'll bet you really enjoyed yourself.
I've never been to a Bluegrass Festival. Sounds like fun. Thanks for the pictures.
Judy, thanks so much for commenting on my SWF photo! I thank you for taking your time to look at it and write a comment. The Hurricane was so sad and I think such a tough time for all involved and such dismay for these strong people! Thanks again!
What fun!!! My brother loved blue grass. I do too!!! Glad a good time was had by all.
I love bluegrass music. When I was a teenager I hated it, but I rode around with my brother a lot and he played only bluegrass in his car, so I learned to love it! I guess I owe him one!!
Sounds like a fun day except for the hot weather.
A very Kentucky post! Bluegrass music really gets you moving! Glad you had a good time at the music festival..
Makes me wanna find my dancing shoes! I luv music!
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