Rob, It seems like yesterday when your dad and I brought you home from the hospital. I can't believe that this past April you turned forty. You are now a father to the cutest little boy on earth, Thomas Wyatt, and husband to Sarah, my sweet and wonderful daughter-in-law.

Anne and Leigh, I am so proud of the young women you have become and all your accomplishments. You have purchased a farm, have great jobs, many friends, and are sweet, caring, loving ladies. You are no longer my babies but thirty year old adults.
Anne and Leigh
I found a poem by Barbara Cage that expresses some of the feelings I have when I think of the three of you. It is printed below.
I Want to Tell You What It Means to Me to Be Your Mother
Being your mother
means that I have had the opportunity
to experience loving someone
more than I love myself.
I have learned what it's like
to experience joy and pain
through someone else's life.
It has brought me pride and joy;
your accomplishments touch me
and thrill me
like no one else's can
It has brought me
a few tears and heartaches at times,
but it has taught me
hope and patience.
It has shown me the depth,
strength, and power of love.
Being your mother
hasn't always been easy,
and I'm sure
I've said or done things,
that have hurt or confused you.
But no one
has ever made me as satisfied
as you do just by being happy.
No one has made me as proud
as you do just by living up
to your responsibilities.
No one's smile
has ever warmed my heart
like yours does;
no one's laughter
fills my heart with delight
as quickly as yours can.
No one's hugs feel as sweet,
and no one's dreams
mean as much to me as yours do.
No other memories of bad times
have miraculously
turned into important lessons
or humorous stories;
the good times
have become precious treasures
to relive again and again.
You are a part of me,
and no matter what happened in the past
or what the future holds,
you are someone
I will always accept,
forgive, appreciate, adore,
and love unconditionally.
Being your mother
means that I've been given
one of life's greatest gifts: you.
All My Love, Mom
Thank you, Judy, for expressing so eloquently exactly how I feel about my four kids. And what a lovely poem! That one I shall forward to each one of mine because it says it all.
What a terrific poem and heartfelt commentary about your children. Your love is apparent, and I'm sure they reciprocate that love.
I have to report back to you about one of your yummy recipes. I made your pineapple cake when I was at my parents' house. We all loved it, and it didn't last very long. I made it for an after dinner dessert, and the whole cake was gone that night. Between me, my parents and brother, we wiped that whole thing out!
It's apparent that you love your children dearly. What a lovely poem to express that.
That is a beautiful poem that really expresses what is in a mother's heart. Our children are our greatest treasure indeed (but grandchildren run a close second!)
Judy that is a beautiful poem and such a wonderful tribute to your children and that adorable grandson.
It is in another way a tribute to your good mothering. Have a great weekend. My kids are coming up this weekend for a visit. And the ones in Florida on an island during this tropical storm should be home, too.
See ya Monday at the latest.
*chuckle* On your play list...have you ever heard Dolly and Porter, I think it was, sing "Daddy Was An Old Time Preacher Man"? I just love that old song. The last year I worked they started playing it on a REAL country music station I listened to on my way to and from work.
I like the songs you have on the list this time, too.
Oh and I like that blue and white Bybee pottery, too.
A lovely poem, it has made me cry, in a good way. I says it all
I copied the poem to send to my daughter. It says it all. Thank You!
What a lovely tribute to your children, Judy. I can see why you are proud of them--they sound like wonderful people. And THAT is a testament to how well you raised them. I love the pictures of them--they sure were cute (and still are, I'm sure!) Rob sure looks like a cool dude on that Chopper!
Hi Judy,
Loved the poem. It says it all. Aren't we lucky to be Mom's and Grandmoms?
Dear Mom,
You are the best mother in the world. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you. I love you more than words can say and appreciate all the sacrfices you have made in your life to make me, Anne and Robbie happy. Some of the happiest moments in my life have been with you. I cherish every single memory and look forward to many, many more. Thank you Mom for being who you are and showing us what a strong, beautiful independent woman looks like. You are amazing! I love you!!
Mom you sure know how to make me cry! I am so thankful to have such an amazing woman as my mother. A lday that has always landed on her feet even in hard times, and has persevered through many obsticles and always keeps a good attitude. You have definitely passed that on to all of us. You have always been there for me and I cherish all of our memeories and cant wait for more good times in the future. You are by far my best friend, and I love you more than I could ever say.
Moey- Anne
Judy, I do not think I can add anything. It has all been said.
A great post and a beautiful poem
Blessings to you this Day.
i am glad bob enjoyed my post and you too.
Judy - That was really beautiful, I wish I could express myself like that to my boys, I'm still a bit hung up on how to keep a bit of stiff upper lip yet, though I'm learning - It's funny how it's so much easier to say the words - I love to my grandbabies and harder to say to my children.... I love how your words just portray your feelings. We folk in the Olde Worlde can learn a hangova lot from you young ones.
Thanks ! Love, Laughter and Blessings to you too Judy - Kate x.
Thanks for popping into My world.
Loved this about your children,I have 2 sons and 1 daughter, my eldest son has Cancer we are hoping the treatment has been successful. Your poem was excellent, happy blogging.
What a nice tribute to your children and very well put, kids can be sunshine and rain, heartaches and happiness rolled into one but they are worth it, nice poem.
Thank you so much for that wonderful post, it just means the world to me and it comes at a really good time. This has been a fairly tough year and Sarah and I don't know what we would have done without your love and support.
I hope I never give you reason to doubt how much you mean to me...
I love you,
This post goes right to the heart of every mother.
Judy, you have such a way with words, and your poem is lovely. I also enjoy all the tidbits around the blog as well. Have a great week-end.
Love those kids!
Wonderful tribute to your children. I never had children so I know I missed something special.
You, as well as they, are blessed.
Judy, this is such a lovely expression of love that you have written to each of your children! I know that they love you and feel the same way about you! You are such an impressive writer! The poem is just lovely and I sure would like to copy that and send it to my kids. It says so beautifully what I feel and would like to say to my kids! I didn't get the gift that you and Peggy were given for writing!
I don't think we can ever tell our kids enough how much they mean to us! You have done it so eloquently! What a Blessing you are!!
Judy- wonderful post.
Judy: what a neat poem, and cute pictures of your kids when they were small.
Hi Judy - Love the Oil crisis one -hilarious.. Our Oil in in the Scottish waters but our dipsticks are stationed in Westminster parliament buildings down in London. hehehe Kate x.
I love the picture on your blog about "loving your computer friends!!!" Can I copy it and put it on mine? Let me know if you want me to take it off (Really and truly)!!!
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