We have to make some trial runs before going outside because TW does not understand yet to stay put. It did not take him but a few minutes before he decided he could be much taller if he just stood up in this big new red wagon.

Next, we have to check out all the new toys in the washstand. That is where they are stored because he can open the door and drawers and get the ones he wants anytime he feels like it.

This was all very exciting to have a new wagon and new toys. It is such fun to come to Nanna's house and play and spend the night.

Nanna Juju will even put his socks on her head and sit in the floor and act like a fool to get a great big smile for a picture. Nanna sure can make Thomas Wyatt laugh at her. He even gets the giggles sometimes because she is sooooooo funny!
Next, Thomas Wyatt, takes a trip through his tunnel. This is actually Nanna Juju's dropleaf, gateleg table that she forgot to dust!! Nanna will have to crawl into that tunnel and get all that dust that shows up in the photo.

By now, the eyelids are beginning to get droopy and bath time is just around the corner. Nanna gets out the pj's, lotion, towel, and sudsy bath stuff for 13 month old baby boys and puts him in the kitchen sink for a bath. He lets Nanna wash his hair and pour water over his head and loves being up here in the sink playing.It is time for Thomas Wyatt to get on the Sleepy Town Train. We will get more pictures and have new adventures next time he visits.
What precious and adorable pictures and what a precious and adorable little boy! He must be a real delight and I know you're enjoying his visit. Thanks for sharing the pictures! Brought on a great late afternoon smile.
Oh my gosh what a beautiful boy! He is so adorable...and he sure did love that wagon for sure! I'm going to pick my grandson up Friday to see the new Starwars movie....the something about the Clone Wars. We went to see The Mummy 3 today and I was very glad we didn't take him to that one.
Glad you had a good time with your big boy. Give him a dust rag and send him through the tunnel with it :)
Hi Judy, he is adorable. Don't you just love it when they come to spend the night? My two grandsons have grown up too fast. I love the sink picture!
Nana Juju,
Thomas Wyatt is absolutely adorable. It seems like only yesterday my two grandchildren were playing in wagons and table tunnels. I miss those days but we have new things happening in our lives, grandson will be a senior in college and granddaughter will be a sophomore in high school.
I am glad you shared Thomas Wyatt with us.
Now that is one cute little boy! Also the pictures are darling. Enjoy every minute of this age, they are so cute.
Oh, my!! He's a beautiful baby boy!! He reminds me of my second grandson, Brian, who was blond and blue eyed!!
I'm so glad you shared this darling little boy with us. We forget how much we have the capacity to love babies, until our grand children show up to remind us. What a gift. Relish these times with him.
What a cutie! I know having him spend the night was as much fun for you as it was for him. :)
Ohhhh, he is just adorable!! I'm sure you love it when he comes to spend the night, and he loves it too with Nana juju!! How cute with those big blue eyes and that cute smile! The wagon is perfect!
Interesting reading about Carry Nation.
Ah, the 127 Sale! You have to be very careful driving on 127 when that is going on. VERY careful!! I love Bybee Pottery too. It's so pretty! You found some real bargains!
Oh he is so sweet, and looks like an handfull, in the best way.
What a beautiful boy! My grandchildren are all grown up and now we're working on three greats and they all live a ways away.
Oh my, Judy, he is such a handsome little boy! He's going to really enjoy that wagon. When my children were small and we lived in a small town, I pulled them all over town in our red wagon. They still remember that.
Thanks for the wonderful pictures of Thomas Wyatt. By the way, now how about a picture of Nanna Juju with socks on her head? Ha, ha...it's funny, isn't it, how we will do almost anything to make our little children/grandchildren laugh? :-)
Oh, Judy...he is so precious. Your pictures are great. Have fun with him...he's going to change so fast.
just read the letter on your side bar, I cant stop laughing
Judy he is a beautiful little boy. I have the same feelings you share about my 2 little granddaughters.
These grandchildren touch our hearts in such a special way.
If something makes me sad - all I have to do is think of them and look at some of their pictures and I smile
What big blue eyes he has! He's just too beautiful.
Dust is just evidence that you are a real grandma. Besides, little boys don't mind dust or even dirt even if they don't get a wonderful bath before bedtime. Too cute!
I want to see photos of you with socks on your head! lol!
Judy, here's a good poem about DUSTING.
Dust if you must, but wouldn't it be better
To paint a picture, or write a letter,
Bake a cake, or plant a seed:
Ponder the difference between want and need?
Dust if you must, but there's not much time,
With rivers to swim, and mountains to climb;
Music to hear, and books to read;
Friends to cherish, and life to lead.
Dust if you must, but the world's out there
With the sun in your eyes, and the wind in your hair;
A flutter of snow, a shower of rain,
This day will not come around again.
Play with your grandchildren,
That certainly is a must.
What do they care about all the dust?
Dust if you must, but bear in mind,
Old age will come, and it's not kind.
And when you go (and go you must)
You yourself, will make more dust.
Remember, a house becomes a home when you can write "I love you" on the furniture.
Judy what gorgeous pictures, I just love it when the children are young like that and the time goes sooo quickly enjoy every minute. Louis is three now and I haven't a clue where the time has gone. You're a girl after my own heart Judy, that's the daft sort of behaviour I got up to with my grandchildren. I was on the phone to Lous's Mum last night and she was asking how I'd got on at the docs and Hospital and I was telling her - Lou of course had to be in on the conversation and had to personally ask - Nana how you feeling (so I said fine thanks darlin) Lou said - I'm glad you're feeling better he then 'had' to tell me how he had hurt his finger, but Mummy kissed it better hehe they are soo funny.
Thomas Wyatt - now that I'm looking at him having his wash definitely looks like you - doesn't he? Cheers Kate x.
I came back over to read Clara's poem and realized how right Kate is... that grandbaby really does look like you!
AWWW, he is a cutie!!!
Love you bunches Mom!!
He is so precious!!! Just looks like a little man!
tw is about the pretties baby i ever saw.
I moved from Texas to Oregon to be be near my grandson and have not regretted it one minute. We have only one shot at making a difference in these little lives. I promised myself I would never say no when asked to babysit and I haven't. TW is precious and worth every minute you spend with him. I love those big blue eyes.
what an adorable child,I bet you're so proud of him as I am of my 4 grandchildren. they bring a special joy into your life. well done on a good blog.
Now that is one beautiful baby! I was looking for a Camera Critter, but that is much cuter than any I've seen yet. :-)
Thomas Wyatt is just adorable!! Those big blue eyes looking up at you and the camera make my heart melt! I bet he's not spoiled or anything is he? I wouldn't be able to help but spoil someone that cute! Thanks for sharing the pictures of your grandson with us! He is a definite bright spot in anyones day! Sure made me smile and remember the good old days!!!
The smile was worth putting the sock on your head, what a beautiful child, it is nice of you to take the time and share this with us bloggers.
Your grandson is absolutely adorable!!!!
Those photos are precious.
He's a KEEEEPER!!!
For a big smile like that, I'd be willing to do crazy things too, also, as well.
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