I have been thinking all day about that Paul McCartney song, "When I'm 64". It says: "Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64?"
Age has never bothered me except when I went from 29 to 30. I sure did not want to leave my twenties for some reason.
Now, at 64, I am older and wiser and more comfortable with myself. I don't worry about what others think. I know what I like and don't like. I think I have mellowed and I am more accepting of life.
I have finally realized that I will not live forever and I need to do the things I enjoy now.
I have found that I can be silly with my grandson and make a fool of myself and people think it is just my age! If I don't answer right away it is my hearing. If I give a stupid answer or can't remember or talk about the weather too much that just comes with getting older. I get the senior discount at Kroger and they carry out my groceries. Most of the time, I get doors opened for me. I don't worry so much about eating that dessert as I once did. Once I started thinking about the good things I could go on and on.
I am so thankful that at my age I do not take any kind of medicine and as far as I know I am in good health.
I had a great birthday with cards and calls from friends and family here and on facebook and in the blog world.
In the words of the columnist, Ellen Goodman, "These are my good days and not-quite-yet old days".
How do you feel about your age?