I was born on September 27 and my astrological sign is Libra, the Scales.
You may or may not know anything about astrology and horoscopes but for years I read mine faithfully and thought if I missed reading my horoscope each morning the whole day would be lost.
I would go into work, turn on the computer and read my horoscope. If it said I was going to have a bad day, I usually had a bad day. If it said I was going to have a good day. I had a good day! I am sure I let this influence my day to be either good or bad.
According to astrology, some of Libra's good points are: You are neat and have a desire for peace. Attractive surroundings are necessary for peace of mind. Libra is very fair and just and tries to maintain a proper balance. Libra is artistic, musical, level headed, sympathetic, perceptive and generous. Manners and other niceties are important to Libra. You have a strong need to share with others. The negative aspects are that I can be critical and very moody.

Most of these things are true about me. Usually, I am either way up or way down. There is not much in the middle and I am more up than down if that makes any sense. I try to see the glass as half full and always taught my children to enjoy life, be kind to others, work hard, believe in God, and learn all they could about many different subjects.
Astrology is not a religion but the study of planetary motion and the correlation of those to our life here on earth. So, I do not believe in astrology but I find that many times my horoscope
has told me something that turns out to be true.
What is your sign? How do you feel about astrology? Do you read your horoscope every day?
I'm one those frequently obnoxious Leos. But I have to admit most of the characteristics of a Leo are true for me. I don't follow it that closely anymore although I did when I was a lot younger. I think there is a lot to it, but like you I'm not a passionate believer, but it can be interesting.
Like Sylvia K, I too am a Leo. But being that I was born almost six weeks early, I feel that I also have some Libra traits.
I would read my horoscope in the Cosmo and Glamour magazines I used to buy, but other than that, I have never paid much attention to it.
OMG, Judy... I'm a LEO also.. Three in a row!!! What kind of sign can that be???? Is someone in the sky trying to tell us something????????
The only time I read my fortune is after I've been to a Chinese Rest... Those usually say NICE things!!! ha
Hi Judy, I am a Cancer (July 16). I was very "into" astrology when I was in my teens. Bought all the books, studied... now... nope. Haven't read a horoscope in years. I think there are some things that certainly pertain, as far as general traits and such, but being able to tell what a specific day is going to bring? Nah. I have trouble believing that. There are so many more variables than just your self that determine what your day will hold.
I am a virgo, and yes I read everyday. I am supposed to have a year off very hard working this year!
Hi Judy,Thanks for the visit and another interesting blog. I am Taurus the bull, I too also read my horoscope daily sometimes it's correct to a t, other times not.
My youngest son is a Libra born on the 6th October, his wife born on the 8th of the same month is also a Libra. I am a firm believer we are influenced by the time we were born.
Take care have a happy week.
Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Sagittarius. I am a Sagittarius. I think it is fun to read my horoscope but do not give it any credence.
Sagittarius is classed as a positive or masculine, extrovert sign; its element is fire and its quality is mutable. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun enters Sagittarius around November 22-23 and exits around December 21.
My birthdate is December 2.
Hi, Judy! I got your comment. I don't know why I didn't think to send out an email to say I was back?!
I'm an Aquarius, born in the year of the Monkey (hee-hee), my Native-American zodiac sign is the otter, my tree is the cypress, my life # is 11. The general Aquarius traits are true for me (think artistic hippie.)
That said, I think it's mostly bunk. But it's funny to read mine if I see it (which is maybe 4-5/year). Then how do I know all that stuff (?) - http://www.paulsadowski.com/birthday.asp for a fun calulator, including how much water you could boil with the candles on your birthday cake! LOL! It's just an entertaining diversion. I find that my daily Bible reading and my hormone cycle is a much better indicator of what my day will hold! (wink)
hugs, teresa
Oh Judy, Another similarity for us. I am a Libra. Born October 9 I relate to all you shared.
Have a great day. Seems we are sisters. lol
Hi, Judy. I guess I'm the only Capricorn in the bunch (I just had a birthday). And I must admit, I really do have almost all the traits attributed to Capricorns. I am very reserved (except with my friends and family), extremely loyal, inclined to seem very serious until you get to know me, very practical, and tend not to like change (especially as I get older). So, I do think there is something to astrology and I do read my horoscope every day, but I certainly don't give it that much importance. However, in an interesting side note, years ago we had a terrible burglary at our house where they actually cut the phone lines and pretty much wiped us out. My husband's horoscope the day before the break-in said, "Take measures to provide extra security on the home front--you will be glad you did." Kind of makes you wonder....
Good Morning Mom,
How cool! I haven't read my horoscope in years but I know Anne does and she lets me know if it says anything interesting. :) I hope you have a great day! Love you!
I am Gemini! I don't read the horoscopes. I used to read the daily ones sometimes but they never fit in with my life, so I figured they didn't know what they were talking about!!
My husband is a Libra and you have described him to a tee.
I am a Gemini...split personality...boy is that true.
I'm a Virgo, born 9-14-63. I've never been into astrology. It's a neat study though, I think, and probably has some really interesting things about it. I've just never been inclined.
I should study it though, so I can blame my bad days on the planets.
Why am I not surprised that you are a Queen of Balance?
I am one of Sylvia's Leos. We might be obnoxious occasionally, but we're kind hearted and mean well.
Hi Judy! Thanks for stopping by my place!
I'm a Cancer July 11th. Yes, I read my horriblescope most everyday in MyYahoo page,lol.
I just think it's fun to see if the day or situation turns out like it says it will, or could.
I do read my horoscope every day, but I do it backward--at the end of the day--and check and see if it worked out like the horoscope said. I am Gemini, and I believe that many of the characteristics match my personality.
I am a Virgo in sun sign astrology with Scorpio in my moon, and a wood monkey in Chinese astrology and my totem is the bear. I don't believe in it at all *wink* I've seen this post on my blog log and been dying to get here to see what it was about, but it's been a little busy here.
More ice tomorrow for us...ugh. Stay warm.
Hi Judy,
Thought I would comment here instead of at my blog. I have had CNN on all day and have been following that storm. Hope you are OK and don't loose power. We lost it one year for 3 days...not fun.Anyway...take care.
Sending prayers your way for the power to stay on. This is a very bad storm for you and Arkansas, too. So far for us...not so much yet. It is supposed to get much worse overnight.
Your durn comment thing ate the post I just tried to post and I couldn't remember all of it. ;)
Forgot to comment on my sign. I am Aries and so is my husband. They say... Aries live life head first; after all, those horns on your head are not just for fighting. Your headstrong nature can make you a "battering ram" and woe is the person who stands in your way.
Aries are noted for courage and leadership qualities, primarily because you are nearly always ready for action.
Maybe that explains my sunny disposition.LOL
It was great learning about the Libra. I am a Sagittaruius. The Sagittarius motto is "It is better to know how to learn than to know." You seek knowledge and wisdom, never tiring of the quest for what is yet to come. Others enjoy being with you when you are in your outgoing and joyful mood, but you can become more sullen if you feel that your wings have been clipped. Even in a restrictive situation, however, you'll not lose hope--and it is this inspirational perspective that leads you to your greatest success. I never thought that I believed in astrology but that really sums up some of my characteristics.
Hi Judy, So much going on here this is the first time I've had to spend any time reading posts etc.. First I should have known you were Libra (like my elder son ) many of the traits I saw in you he has too. Me?? I'm Taurus (the bull) didn't ya know? Artistic, perceptive, considerate and kind,they love the good things of life, (hehe) great lover! oops.. (of food). Friendly and a good friend . Bad points? Why I don't think bulls have any - do they?? except of course their bullish 'know it all' attitude and always wanting to 'help' hehehe and that's certainly me! Do I believe in Astrology? well, sometimes ..... erm especially when my horoscope says I'm going to be lucky ! Cheers, Kate x.
Astrology is influenced you very much.. i am not interested to read my astrology... it is time pass......
Hope you have power today.
Dear Judy,
I am not a constant reader of astrological predictions. I was born under the sign of Taurus, perhaps that is why I am so "bull-headed". ha.
I know that astrology has no power over what happens to a person and has no effect on what we do. It is humorous to read it once in ahwile but I am not a follwer, either.Thank you for your constant visiting to my blog and for your really caring comments.
Hi Judy, I am a Saggitarian and a typical one I think. I do read my horoscopes from time to time but dont hang on every word just because someone told me they recycle them. I do beleive in clairvoyants though - I have had fabulous sessions with three clairvoyants!! Total believer I am.
That was really interesting! Hope you have a great weekend.
Judy...are you OK?
In case any are wondering, Judy lives in the same county that my brother lives in. KY was hit hard with that ice storm. My brother still does not have electricity, so Judy may be in the same boat and just not able to use her internet right now. I hope that's all it is! They got hit really hard though!!
Judy, I am wondering if you and your family are OK with the ice? We had that in '04 and were without electricity for a week. Luckily I have a gas fireplace and my daughter and family moved in with me. I was just downright scary outside. Let me know when you can.
Hope you are O.K. Judy.
I'm Taurus the bull. My horoscope usually fits me. I read it most every day, but it goes in one ear and out the other!
It's fun tho.
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