It has been a while since I did a post on my grandson, TW. He has been here several times to visit and he turned 2 years old in June.
We had a birthday party at my house with two cakes, cupcakes, and all the trimmings. Dad took lots of pictures and made a video.

He is all boy and has the cuts and scrapes to prove it.
His favorite toys are those little diecast cars and trucks.
The World's Longest Yard Sale has been going on right near where I live and I got him lots of those little cars to play with on this visit and even found a school bus he has been wanting for a while now and a big dump truck.

We always watch the movie, "Cars" and "Elmo" and "Toy Story" when he visits. He loves oatmeal and as soon as he is awake (usually around 5:30 a.m.), Nanna is making oatmeal with bananas and applesauce. Then, around 8:30, we have sausage and waffles. It takes a lot of food for such an active little person!
He has to go outside to see if there is anything new since his last visit. TW enjoys looking at my owl, "Hootie". Hootie keeps the birds off my patio furniture.
He likes to show Nanna his muscles! Mom, Sarah, thinks he looks like a little bumble bee in this picture.

Climbing is a favorite thing, of cour
se, and Nanna's shoes have to be tried on for size every visit.

Bathtime is fun and after a very busy day TW settles down for a little more t.v. and off to bed.
I love my time with Thomas Wyatt and enjoy his visits.
He is a beautiful little boy and his Nanna loves him very much
And I can certainly see why!! He sure is a darling little guy!! Just adorable!!!
He is just the sweetest. I look forward to my turn as a Grandmother. :)
Hi Judy, Your grandson is just gorgeous. My youngest grand now is 11 yrs. old. GADS!! SO--enjoy TW now since they do grow up so fast.
Love your name, Nanna. I am Grammy to mine.
The World's Longest Yard Sale goes through here also--but since I'm NOT a shopper, I only took pictures here.
Have a great day, Judy.
It has been a while since we've gotten to see TW and these are adorable pictures. My TJ has been in Georgia with his mom visiting her family all summer except for about a month. Her dad has been very ill and now one of her cousins has cancer. Hope they make it back soon. His 8th birthday is Wednesday.
He is very cute. Drat it! All my grandchildren have children of their own. I must be ancient.
And I'm sure he loves his Nanna! What a cutie! They do all love trucks, don't they? I took pictures of as many as I could spot, and made my grandson a book with construction paper when he was about that age. Right now it's a toss up between trucks and dinosaurs, but I haven't seen any of the latter to photograph.
A wonderful write Judy and what a darling TW is? they grow so quickly
don't they, bet it don't seem 2 yrs ago he was born.
He sure is a cutie.
Oh, Judy..he's so cute. He's growing so fast. You're going to treasure the times you have with him and he will too.
Thomas Wyatt is sure growing like a weed and cute as a button.
Hi, Judy. Oh, I'm so glad to see another TW post! He is absolutely adorable---I know you must look forward to his visits. Both of my children loved those die-cast cars, and even at 20 and 21, they still buy them occasionally! Benjamin was crazy about school buses when he was small, so he had quite an assortment of yellow buses. Still has them, in fact, so maybe my future grandchildren will enjoy them too. Thanks for sharing that cute Thomas Wyatt with us!
He is so adorable, Judy! Can just imagine the joy he brings you! Great photos!
I want one Judy!
Any Thomas Wyatts for sale?
June in Oz
he looks such a sweeie
Oh Judy, he is so cute and precious. You are taking time to really be with him when he is there and you'll never regret it.
Keep us uptodate on T.W.
Good post, good pictures.
You and TW are making a lot of good memories. He is a cutie! I just want to nibble on his ears!
"He likes to show Nanna his muscles!" He's my kind of guy!
Thanks a million for sharing. It made my day.
Look at those blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair! He is going to be one ladykiller when he gets to be a handsome man.
I am sure you hug on him a lot!!!
It is wonderful reading about Thomas Wyatt's 2nd birthday! Sounds like you all had such a great day!!
He sure is a cutie-pie!! My gentleman friend's grandson just turned 2 also and has blond hair and climbs on everything!!
Have missed you!
Hi Judy... Me Again.. Check my blogs (yesterday's and today's). I wrote 'my' story..
TW sure is a cute little guy, and what boy does not like cars and trucks. Thanks for sharing your fun time with TW, grand kids are so special. Thank you for coming over, have a great weekend.
He is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!! Just absolutely adorable! I know you love it when he comes to visit and I have a feeling he loves to come visit you too!
Love you Mom!
Oh Judy,
He's growing up so quick and he sure is the image of you, he looks a happy wee chap too. It's so lovely to see them become little people.
Gosh Louis is four now it hardly seems any time since he was a baby. Mind you it seems just a few years since his Dad was a baby ... We heard this week that our grandaughter Jade has that she's been accepted by Cambridge University so both she and her brother will be at uni... in a few months where 'has' the time gone ?
Cheers from this side of the pond Kate x.
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