I spent most of my working life working for the state of Kentucky in some kind of welfare assistance programs. These programs are designed to help those people in need but many times are taken advantage of by people who like to "work the system" and receive benefits they are not entitled too. Although, we were always understaffed and overworked in the local offices, we tried to make sure this did not happen but there are those that get by with drugs and always take advantage of these programs by working and not reporting income, etc. Don't get me wrong, I think there are people that truly deserve help and are honest, hardworking people that love their families and these programs are wonderful for those people in need.
West Virginia delegate Craig Blair has a website to promote HB 3007 in West Virginia. This bill would make drug testing mandatory for some recipients of welfare benefits. I think this should be a mandatory requirement in every state. There was so many times, we took the applications for benefits of people we knew were taking advantage of the system but we could not prove it.
I am sure this is a touchy subject but if you agree with this bill and think it should be mandatory in all states, please take a look at this website. You can even vote on how you feel about it in the lower left hand corner of the home page and see what others think, also. Thanks.
Leave me a comment on how you feel about this situation. Click on this link to see the webpage: http://notwithmytaxdollars.com/
1 month ago
Not being American I can't say what is right or wrong, but there is much going on over here, people claiming benefits unfairly, We have a National Health Service which we don't pay to see a doctor, but have to pay for medications if under the retirement age or suffer from certain illnesses. I think in most countries there are people who are out to get everything whether they are entitiled or not.
Take care Judy
I agree with you Judy they should be tested. When they play the system it takes away from a family who's truly in need.
I'm with you, too, Judy. There are lots of people in desperate need, but there are just as many that will do whatever it takes to use the system, thereby cheating many of those who are truly in need.
Hi Judy! Nice to see you have posted. :D
I think if people are going to receive money from the state, then they should have to follow whatever guidelines are placed before them, including passing a drug test (or a series of drug tests).
I agree with you, Judy. Lots of companies require a drug test to get a job---why shouldn't people who receive benefits that my tax dollars have paid for be required to do the same? I am pleased to think that my tax dollars might help a family in need, but I certainly don't want them going to help someone buy illegal drugs.
Judy - Yes I saw something on that the other day and I definitely think they should be tested. There are far too many people taking advantage of the system. That should really help.
I agree with you on this one. I know it can be a touchy subject because when you speak out against those who unfairly play the system, it sounds like you are mean or don't care about people who fall on hard times. The truth is, I know you and I both want for people who are struggling and need help to have it when they need it. But those who refuse to work at all and want to be taken care of without having any personal responsibility should not be able to get away with it. Also, the drug issue is a valid one. Those who cannot work and have legitimate needs are the ones who should receive help. Those who abuse drugs and lie to the government in order to get undeserved money should not be allowed to do so.
I wish our system's goal was to get people back on their feet and help them become independent instead of keeping them in a cycle of dependence on government. Passing strict laws concerning eligibility for welfare is not a heartless or mean thing to do. It is the right thing to see that welfare money is being used wisely and given to those who truly cannot work or are in such a severe situation that they need assistance.
mr Blair is a good guy...he is meeting opposition on this matter...
hard to believe isn't it?
I agree too.Its not money for nothing and may encourage people to not openly abuse the system. Staf have their hands tied so often. Yes I feel sorry for many inocent people who may feel their human rights are being trampled but billions of welfare dollars get spent each year and there needs to be greater accountability. I once worked in a Social Secuirty Office here Judy, I not only learnt to swear but had my eyes opened about real life. I never knew how a lot of people live. Being dependent on welfare becomes a way of life for many - generations are sometimes on welfare. It is there when people need it but so many people think its a right not a privilege. I hope they do something here like that. Besides, more people than ever are going to need it no doubt and they will want to ensure every dollar goes to those genuinely in need.
Hi Judy! Thanks for stopping by yesterday on my first day back blogging, even though I've not been around BlogLand. ((hugs))
Now about this state support, I feel people should be tested also. I have seen first hand and over-heard in a line (many years ago) two girls actually *bragging* about their hot cars! And I also know what others do, via the media.
It's awful to take advantage of great programs out there that are meant to help people *in need!*
I kind of have mixed feelings. Years ago I worked for the local child welfare agency. Many of the clients received welfare. I learned then that many people abuse the system. However, there are those that are mentally challenged or have other issues that prevent them from holding a paying job. Then there are those that have abused the system for generations. It's a way of life for them. I have not made a decision about drug testing.
It seems that most of us agree with this. I think that Jeannie said it best.
I see your point about cheats. And I think we should do all we can to stop the spread of the drug scurge.
Two things: I do worry that people who have taken legitimate pharmaceutical drugs may be caught up in the punishment and (2) people deprived of their (subsistence)living because of their addiction should receive mandated treatment and support.
I think it's important to remember that addiction is very often not the fault of those suffering from it. We should all look for the core reason for their illness.
I agree with all of the above.
If people are taking prescription drugs and test positive could have their doctor's office contacted by the Medicaid office or whichever agancy would do the testing.
Otherwise I'm with you. Those of us who work and pay taxes now have to take a drug test and are subject to random drug testing at anytime while working, so why not those who are in need of help. I think it makes a great deal of sense.
I also am with you Judy, it is too bad some people feel they have to work the system wrong, it makes it tough for others. Most companies require testing, my son worked for a company that during working hours they conducted random drug testing, if caught you were fired on the spot. Hope you have a nice weekend.
Hi Judy, What gets me along with many thousands of folk here. There are 'many thousands' of immigrants heading for the UK 'cos they have heard that this is a 'great country' which has a social services agency which hands out loads of money and helps out it's citizens and anyone who can con their way into this country... They cross many countries to get here and because no one in authority will stand up and say 'no' you can't stay and then send them back to where they come from - they get leave to stay here... The people here are far too considerate of peoples feelings and 'don't want to cause a fuss ' It's totally ridiculous that rather than cause a fuss and be thought of as being 'hard and insensitive' they refuse to call a halt to the 'street wise' incomers and just let folk stay ---- It's totally unbelievable how easy it is to get in here and con folk into letting you stay. It makes me soooo angry - I've seen how it's done in other countries and these b's continue to take advantage of this country's 'fair play' ideas....... OK ! Now that's my blood pressure well and truly into the danger zone I'd better go and calm down.... cheers Kate xxx.
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This is a no brainer. I want my tax dollars to go to people who are really in need and need a little help to get back on their feet.
I agree with all of the above.
Absolutely fantastic post! Good job!
Great! Keep up the great posts…..
I certainly agree, Judy--but the ACLU in this country does so much damage trying to'protect' people's RIGHTS... GADS---if they are on welfare and getting ANY of my tax dollars, then they give up their right to privacy. Test THEM ALL I say... We don't want our money going to them for their drugs!!!!
This is a anonymous decision. I also agree on it Judy...:) BTW Judy, I have started a new blog dedicated to my sketch work — Art on Sketchbook
I agree! So many people abuse the system and it's wrong! I say test them! Let the money go for the ones who truly need help.
Here's my minority opinion: Drug testing will keep some folks from applying for benefits. Some folks with drug issues have kids who have already drawn the short straw because of their parents' choices. Should these kids go hungry? Or is it possible that because their parents have applied for and are receiving benefits,there is reason to keep track of these kids? Check up on them once in awhile? Food stamps can't be used for drugs, alcohol or cigarettes,but can be used for food. Kids need food.
While I don't agree, I have to say I definitely respect your opinion.
I wouldn't want my tax dollars going for drugs either. I also don't want my tax dollars going for bailouts or to rebuild other countries.
People who need help, need help and it should be offered with NO conditions to be met. The definition of welfare is "something that aids or promotes well-being; "for the common good"'. I think drug testing everyone who applies for welfare assistance, unemployment benefits and foodstamps is the wrong way to go.
The government already makes visits to your home when you're on public assistance. They ask for your bank account information. If you receive public housing, they come around to check up on you and make sure you're not a slob. And now they want bodily fluids? No thanks.
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