Have you ever had a deja vu experience in your life?
Deja Vu is French for already seen or the illusion of having experienced something actually being experienced for the first time.
There are several types of deja vu.
Deja Vecu is already lived through. Not just "already seen" but "already lived"
Deja Senti is already felt and can include the senses such as smell, taste, etc.
Deja Visite is geographical such as already visited a place.
Deja Lu is feeling as if you have already read something or a writing is familiar.
Jamais Vu is more commonly explained as when a person momentarily doesn't recognize a word, person, or place that he/she already knows. Jamais Vu is sometimes associated with certain types of amnesia.
Supposedly, 1 out of 2 people has experienced some type of deja vu in the past.
Some people associate Deja Vu with dreams or past lives.
It seems I experience Jamais Vu quite often lately. Usually, I attribute it to having a senior moment!
I like to play Jeopardy and often times the answer just "pops" into my head and I don't know where it came from. Could it be I was smarter in a past life?
Once I was in a restaurant in one of our New England states and felt as if I had been there before. It was a very strange feeling because I recognized everything down to the waitresses and the booth we occupied and the food. I just wanted to get out of there as quick as possible. This has never happened to me again and was many years ago.
I think I experience Deja Senti every time I get within a mile of a bakery! Then, I feel it after eating half a dozen donuts.....
Seriously, or not, I would love to hear about deja vu and YOU!