Every spring when I was young brought the opening of the "Starlight Drive-In Theater" in our town. We could not wait for the weather to get warm enough so that mom and dad would load up the car with blankets, pillows, iced tea, popcorn, and all kinds of goodies to eat. My sister and I was allowed one trip to the concession stand during intermission to buy stuff. Mom even took our dinner in a picnic basket once in a while and we spread out a tablecloth on the hood of the car to eat before the movie.
Sis and I ran straight to the playground as soon as we arrived to swing and play until the cartoons and previews started.
My dad used to love Tarzan movies and I think I saw them all.
I distinctly remember a very scary movie at the drive-in and my sister and I scared to death in the back seat of dads old car. Some man got the wrong car and jumped in the back seat with us.
We jumped towards each other and almost knocked ourselves out when we bumped our heads together.

Once I got older and started dating, we would get as many in one car as possible and take off to the drive-in. I remember one time when a boy I was dating went to the concession stand during intermission and we moved the car while he was gone to the other side of the movie lot. It was hilarious watching him wander around trying to find the car. I don't remember trying to sneak anyone into the movie in the trunk of the car though.
Remember how those old speakers would squawk and have static and sometimes even go out right in the middle of the movie. Then, you would have to drive around and find another space with a good speaker. Sometimes, people even drove off with the speaker hanging on their window.
My daughters have never been to a drive-in theater! Most of them had closed by the time they were old enough to go. We used to take my son when he was a little guy and he would watch the cartoons and then go to sleep when the movie started.
I read somewhere recently that the drive-in was making a comeback in some places.
I am sure we all have some very special memories of those warm, summer nights spent with friends, family or a special guy at our favorite drive-in.