Kelly of AMERICA AS SEEN BY KELLY has given me an award. Kelly has been a faithful reader of my blog and a great blogging friend. I have watched her blog site grow daily with interesting posts and new readers. Please visit Kelly and check out her blog. Thank you very much Kelly for this award. I am to pass this on to five bloggers and keep the award going. This was a very hard decision. Below are listed the five blogs I have chosen for an award.
First award goes to Clara over at Clara's Corner . Please visit Clara and check out all her photos and what she is up to in her daily life. She has been a great inspiration to me not only with her blogging but in my life. She is a very strong person and a great blogging friend. Thanks Clara for all your great comments on my blog.
Second I would like to give an award to Kate in Scotland and . . . . . . . . . SHAMBLES MANOR . . Kate and I have so much in common we think we might be long lost sisters! Kate has a wonderful sense of humor writes about her life, her grandchildren, and many other interesting subjects about her home. Please check out her blog and take a look at the grandchildren all dressed up in their kilts among other great pictures of her homeland. Thank you Kate for being my friend from afar.
Third award goes to Beth at Blue Ridge Blue Collar Girl . Please take a trip over to the Appalachian Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina and visit with Beth and her family. Beth is a great writer and a fantastic photographer. Her nature pictures are just awesome. She is the "queen of puns" and her way with words will amaze you. Thank you Beth for allowing me to accompany you on your many walks and for your comments on my blog.
My fourth award goes to Teresa at Homemaker Under Construction. Teresa is a Kentucky girl like me. She lives in a house in the country that she and her husband built from the ground up by themselves. She has many interesting posts about this project and pictures of their house from start to finish. I have never met Teresa in person but actually knew her parents years ago.
Take a trip over to her blog and check out her life and times. Thank you Teresa for your many comments and for being another blogging friend.
And last but not least to Patsy at my life and times. Patsy is the "chicken lady". She has more chickens than anyone I ever heard of! She also likes to post the news and talk about politics.
She has great pictures of her garden and flowers. She has a Kentucky heritage and has traced her roots back to my home state. Go over and have a look at all the baby chicks. Thanks Patsy for all your comments on my blog.
I can only give out five awards but there are so many more on my list. I must make mention of a couple great blogs to visit such as Ginny at CHICKOWASCO Chatter and June at 70 Plus and Still Kicking. Both Ginny and June are writers. Ginny writes about her memories of days gone by and has published several books. June lives in Australia and has a writing blog besides the one mentioned above. Her short stories are wonderful. They are both just getting started as bloggers so please give them a visit!
My list of blogging friends is long and I wish I could mention all of them but any one you pick from my sidebar would be a great place to visit and make a new friend.
Please post the award on your blog and keep it going. Thanks again Kelly for thinking of me with this award and thanks to each and every one of you that are part of my blogging world. You are all like friends to me and I appreciate your comments and visits.